
Week in Review

Rocked my world:

AIGA Tenshow: This is what New Year's should have been like. According to my trusty Hello Kitty calendar, Jan. 20 was actually the Islamic New Year, so perhaps that had something to do with the unbridled debauchery at what may have been the best party this city has ever seen. Ok, maybe not. And actually, the debauchery was quite bridled. But still, to have this many people in a church in a neighborhood with crack dens down the street, all to celebrate the best graphic design in the state? Amazing! The only thing that could have improved the festivities would have been champagne. And despite falling down a flight of stairs and skinning my knee and bruising my elbow and scraping my forehead and ruining my tights and scratching my glasses, the afterparty was pretty damn cool too. I don't know when I have last had so much fun on a swing. Hell, I don't know when I have last had so much fun. If every weekend in Chattanooga was like this, I could be persuaded to stay.

Celine Dion'd my world:

UGA/'Bama: Come on 'Dawgs, you're ahead the whole damn game and then you fall apart in the final two minutes? At least you weren't playing Tennessee.

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